Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between "Venus Escorts" and "Independent Escorts"?
You may contact Independent Escorts directly, as indicated in their ad.
Venus Escorts on the other hand, take advantage of the agency's
administrative services. Most Venus Escorts regard escorting as an
adventure - a chance to meet an interesting and charming gentleman: Enjoying the ambiance of first class restaurants, the secret thrill of
an "assignation" at a fine hotel, or the sense of shared adventure when
she joins you on an exotic trip.
Venus Escorts mostly have a career of their own and as such, lead an
innocent life where escorting is out of place. Thus, they are totally
dependent on your discretion. Of course, escorting is also a welcome
source that helps increasing their lifestyle for a young lady who is still primarily an
Please be aware that my agency is only acting as the Escort's secretary, forwarding your inquiries and returning a response as soon as we receive one from the Escort of your choice.

Is the Escort described in the ad really the escort I am going to meet?
I guarantee that I have met each Escort personally before I decide to
work with her and publish her details on the VenusEscorts™ website. No
It is important that my office team and I get a personal impression of
the applicant. Also the young lady will certainly want to know us.
My policy is to choose only Escorts who will keep you returning as a
happy, satisfied client. I believe that by providing only honest and
accurate information I justify the trust you put in me.

What are the rates?
Each Escort has her own rate scale and conditions. Simply follow the link in her menu at the top of her page [Booking].
Some models who are not listed on an escort site have different requirements. We always do our very best to negotiate on your behalf so that all parties are happy.

How are the rates set?
Each Escort decides for herself what she expects from the engagement. The Escorts generally establish rates that are comparable with similar international offers. Naturally, these rates will mainly appeal to those who are comfortably off, which is what Venus Escorts expect.

Do Venus Escorts also do incalls?
What means of payment do you prefer?
We prefer our clients to handle all financial matters directly with the agency either by bank transfer or credit card (+4%).
If you still decide to use cash, please bring the agreed sum to the meeting inside an unsealed envelope.
There have been misunderstandings, even with regular clients. That can happen. So we decided to advise our Escorts to take a glance inside the envelope. Please do not regard that as impolite, she is already more than embarrassed to do so. By treating this as a matter of course, you can help to avoid any misunderstanding.
This topic gives rise to a range of opinions. Since you are rewarding a service, a glance in the envelope is surely legitimate. Certainly less embarrassing than problems after the meeting.

Can I get in touch with the Venus Escort directly and also discuss rates with her?
No, our Escorts prefers the agency to handle all the arrangements. Escorts choose the agency to avoid the need for contact prior to and after the meeting, just like you.
Furthermore the lady doesn't want to haggle over financial matters. That is another reason why she prefers taking advantage of our office service. She would rather just appear at the appointed hour.
In order not to spoil the atmosphere with financial considerations, we suggest our clients handle all such matters directly with the agency.
Our Escorts complain far too often that they feel offended and bothered by persistent demands for their private number and/or e-mail address. There are even some clients who take offense if the Escort does not conform to this demand. For those clients who do not like to book via an agency, we suggest booking an Independent Escort, as simple as that.
Our business is putting people in touch with each other who would otherwise never meet. Doing this successfully takes considerable effort - running the web site, finding and interviewing candidates, helping them present themselves, our own exclusive photo studio with its decoration, answering enquiries, promotion costs, IT, office and staff costs etc. etc.
Every businessman kowns what it takes to run a successful company. To pay for our side of the business, we charge our clients fees. If you try and cut us out of the deal and animate our escorts to breach their contract with us, the whole thing will break down in no time.

Can I book one Venus Escort exclusively?
Of course you can if the young lady likes you and agrees. If ever you
decide you would like to see one of our ladies exclusively and want her
to be there for you only, please do not embarrass her with the financial
Address your request to me personally and I will arrange an agreement.
If everything works out to yours and the lady's satisfaction, the agency
will back of the deal after a few months.

What can I do if I fall in love with a Venus Escort?
If you fall in love with her and the lady adores you too, you could
start the relationship by booking her exclusively as described above.
The young lady would appreciate your support and see that you are
seriously interested in her and not trying to get her "for free" (as
some do) so she would not have to fear "wasting her time". This would be
the ideal way to see if your relationship works out.
VenusEscorts™ has already arranged the start of several happy relationships.

Can I depend on your discretion?
Of course! Even more than that, Venus Escorts depend on YOUR discretion!
Please treat our data just as discreetly as we treat yours.
It goes without saying that it is extremely impolite to talk to one Lady about another Lady. Unfortunately, this has often happened in the past. Please be considerate: Some ladies may know each other and your incautious remarks may result in hurt feelings or worse. The "Golden Rule" sums it up: Please be as discreet as you would like the lady to be.
Also, the Escort may lose her trust in you, as she must fear your talking about her with your next Escort. Gossip is not conducive to harmonious togetherness.

How much advance notice do you need?
Please get in touch with us as soon as you have your travel dates and arrangements settled: the sooner, the better. The Escorts have their own career and private life, and may even have other requests, so please try to avoid canceling on short notice.
Even though we always try to answer your e-mail the same day, we cannot always achieve this. We need to reach the Escort and forward your inquiry to her before sending you an answer. Due to the Escort's business and private life, it is sometimes not possible to reach her immediately. Please be aware this may delay our response.
Even if you make your booking a long time in advance, we always need you to reconfirm the date about two or three days before.
We prefer your request by e-mail but you may of course also reach us by phone:
+49 172 746 22 22 or even better you dial our office number, which appears in the signature of all our e-mail responses. Monday through Friday from 11:00 to 20:00 German time
Important note: For a quick response, please reply directly to the e-mail address we use: simply click on the "Reply" button in your e-mail program. Thank you. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!

How about air tickets?
Our office service takes care of the booking in accordance with your requirements. Once you agree on schedule and fare you authorize the funding by credit card or bank transfer. Travel expenses must be paid and cleared before the ticket is booked.
Please note that special fare tickets have to be issued within 24 hours of reservation. The earlier the reservation is made the better the fares available.
For long haul flights, a travel allowance of EUR 300 is expected, to cover the time spent travelling and extra costs incurred (e.g. taxi fares, fuel, parking, catering, incidental purchases, etc.) in addition to the applicable scale of fees.
For journeys of several days, please arrange with us an appropriate down payment which must be credited to our account at least two days prior to the departure of the lady.

And car or train journeys?
For meetings outside the Escort's home area, travel costs will be calculated individually according to distance and means of transportation. (e.g. taxi fares, fuel, parking, train fares etc.) Self evident that we need to ask for a down payment if our escorts advance the travel expenses.

When and why must I prepay?
Of course bank transfers or credit card (+4%) payments are the smoothest solution for all of us.
For all bookings with new clients we kindly ask for a down payment of min. 40% of the ladies fee, respectively min. 500 EUR.
The same applies for all bookings outside the ladies home area (travel by car or train) plus travel expenses.
If you cancel the day of the meeting, we give the lady 300 EUR compensation and keep the rest as credit for your next booking. If we only get your cancelation when the lady is already on her way, we charge you a compensation of 500 EUR plus the advanced travel expenses.
Travel costs will be calculated individually according to distance and means of transportation.

Prior a journey, can I meet the Escort for a cup of coffee?
Venus Escorts charge for their time – whether drinking coffee or something else.
If you anticipate inviting a particular Venus Escort you don't know yet for a long trip and you'd like to meet her before making final arrangements, I would rather suggest an overnight date to find out if you get along with each other before you decide to go on this trip together.

What happens if I really don't like the Escort?
I guarantee that all Venus Escort's photos and descriptions are genuine.
If you really don't get on at all, you can certainly make a graceful withdrawal. Naturally, the Escort would expect a refund of her travel costs and a compensation, min. 100 EUR should be appropriate.
Of course, the Escort also reserves the right to make a polite withdrawal at any moment. This is reasonable as you too will not enjoy the date if the lady does not have any rapport with you.
To minimize the chance of this most unfortunate circumstance, please
ensure the accuracy and completeness of your self-description.
It goes without saying that you're expected to be a well-groomed, polite
gentleman, and that you will treat her with all the consideration a
Lady deserves.
We depend on your cooperation, including personal feedback and constructive criticism to be able to improve our services. Please do not hesitate to contact us after your date; any comment is highly appreciated and will be handled with discretion.